CIRCARE doesn't collect any information from visitors to this web site that permits individual identification. Forms on this web site (Subscribe, Unsubscribe, and Message forms) send only the text people enter. We don't capture or retain the names or email addresses of people who use the forms on our web site.
Some pages on our web site link to a script that allows readers to email the page to a friend. The form requires the name of the sender and email addresses for both sender and recipient. This prevents email abuse and exploitation by spammers. We don't capture or retain senders' names or the email addresses of senders or recipients.
We don't trade, lend, share, or sell the names and addresses of people who subscribe to the CIRCARE InfoMail for any reason.
We will make good faith efforts to maintain the confidentiality of material offered as such.
This privacy policy may change from time to time. Any changes in our privacy policy will be posted promptly on this page.
Updated: 2005-01-01 As of this date we offer visitors the option of using Google's search engine on our web site. Google logs visitors' search terms in their index and these results are available to us. No personally identifying information is collected by Google. For more information follow this link to Google's Public Service Search FAQs.
Updated: 2005-02-02 Our web site uses a program to track the number of visitors and the referring URL. No information is collected that permits individual indentification of visitors to this web site.
To learn more about internet privacy follow this link to
Last Updated: 2008-03-21
All material on this site © CIRCARE Incorporated (2002- ) unless otherwise noted. Single copies can be downloaded for personal education. Adobe® Reader :: ::